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First Advice is to SMILE! And if not for the camera, then do it for the sake of your marriage. According to studies it has been shown that those who flashed their pearly whites more often in photographs had a higher martial success rate compared to those frowning Debbie Downers. He also says that those who smile more frequently usually have a larger network of friends, which helps keep a marriage healthy. Researchers gathered old college photos of people and rated their smile intensity from one to 10. 

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Being Too Picky

Meeting your mate, a matter of stage in life…or simply hair color? We notice certain aspects of dating and mating that seem to make or break a match that clicks and lasts. Take for example a new client–we’ll call him Rickie–a sharp, nice-looking professional and single dad whose gotten so disgusted with dull dates that, at the age of 45, he’s ready to turn his dating life over to the pros. Yes, it’s time for Rickie to surrender to the matchmaking gods..or goddesses, as the case may be! Contrary to urban legend that goes 

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Cut The Small Talk

How many times have you been on a date with someone you really wanted to know, but the chemistry just wasn’t there? Maybe you were nervous or your date never really opened up. You were two attractive, accomplished people with similar life goals, so what gives? It’s more than likely that the reason you weren’t able to connect with your date was something so unbearably simple it has eluded even the most experienced daters for centuries: the conversation was bad. There. We said it. It’s not that you’re a bad person  

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Online Dating

Online daters beware: more options in the dating pool is not always better. While dating sites continue to boast unrealistic percentages of “success,” recent studies suggest the long-term effects of meeting online are actually detrimental to relationships. Aditi Paul, a PhD candidate at Michigan State University, reviewed answers from 2,923 respondents included in a longitudinal Stanford University study titled, “How Couples Meet and Stay Together.” Paul’s research compared rates of separation and marriage for couples who met  

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Find Your Love Language

Everyone understands the feeling of another person just not “getting it.” You might reside in the same city and speak the same language, but the meaning behind your words can often get lost in the emotion behind them. The key to communication is to get on the other person’s level and communicate in a way that matters to them. Dr. Gary Chapman has developed a theory that there are five love languages that dominate most major relationships. These languages determine how much value you assign to caring gestures 

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The Commandments Act like a lady This means being polite and follow common laws of etiquette such as saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.” Do not cuss. Men admire, trust and respect women with good manners. This includes not chasing him by calling or emailing him excessively, it will make you look desperate and crazy. Do not drink too much on the first date Although it may be very tempting, in order to relax, drinking more than two alcoholic beverages could impair your judgment.

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Mixed Signals

Take the example of a recent match-up in which a pair meets for coffee and end up in his car necking and groveling like two high school students. It went from hot and heavy with sparks flying to stone cold and going nowhere fast. Women don’t give men enough encouragement, of their interest or lack thereof. Some women feel that to be feminine they need to wait for the man to call. But the message we, as matchmakers, want to get across to women, is that men need a “green light” in order to call and not risk being 

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Biggest Mistakes Men Make

Men are you wondering why women are not responding to your request for a second date? Act like a gentleman. This means being polite and follow common laws of etiquette such as saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.” Women admire and respect a man who still believes in chivalry and courtship. This includes being attentive and making her feel safe and letting her know that you respect her. Do not make any sex jokes too soon, that can make her feel uncomfortable, while you are just getting to know each other. Offer to get

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Biggest Mistakes Women Make

Out of the thousands of men that we have interviewed, they have all asked for one thing in common, (take in mind we all have different preferences) and that is for a woman to be feminine, that being said we are not saying for a woman not to be career oriented or be intelligent and go back to the 50’s where the woman is in the kitchen, we are saying that you can still have the education, career, business, and still be feminine around your man, as matchmakers we have noticed that it is harder for Independent women to be in a

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Steve Jobs Can Help You Date

The Apple Empire dominates the tech world even today, so we couldn’t help but wonder, if Steve Jobs was right about what makes an entrepreneur successful. But what if this same concept was applied to relationships? Our matchmakers believe perseverance is part of what sets successful relationships apart from failed ones. From the time spent looking for that date to the actual hurdles that come between even the closest of partners, cool heads and a lot of patience are necessary to persevere as a couple. Replace the word 

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Why Men Fall in Love

For one, our brains are hardwired differently, so the first rule of thumb is: don’t try to change him. What I mean by that is not giving up all hope that he will take your wardrobe advice or learn to take out the trash without you asking him to, but on a deeper level, men can not change the way they think, communicate or interpret your communication. Therefore, for peaceful relations with a man, learn how to talk to him to get what you want. If you don’t know where to start, there are many books out there 

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Things Irresistible Men Do

Attraction is the biggest stepping stone in any relationship. The biggest house, newest car and most successful career are all great, but hold little bearing when it comes to whether your date will actually find you attractive. There are a few traits we’ve noticed all women seem to love in a man – and these traits are surprisingly difficult to cultivate. The few men who do possess these qualities find their dating pools are much larger, which ultimately leads to more control over their own dating lives and an easier time 

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Marry A Millionaire

Mother always said it’s just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man. But in many women’s eyes it is easier. So if you are looking for ways to meet the millionaire of your dreams read on…. Besides being nice and donating your time you might even meet a fabulous successful single man on this venture. #1 Get an education. The affluent value a good education and if you want to make a man fall in love with you, be able to talk about current events and the arts. It’s not all about looks. Haven’t you ever seen a woman with a great 

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Keep your Relationship off Social Media

Social media sharing always seems like a good idea at first. After all, it’s a way to catch up with old friends and share what’s happening in your lives. The key to social media is to use it sparingly. It’s fine to comment on photos and even share the occasional update about your own life, but excessive updates can actually be damaging to your life – and your relationship. Here are our matchmakers’ top reasons to keep your relationship off social media. Overcome 

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Build an Instant Connection

Contrary to popular opinion, the location should be a place you and your date choose together. We recommend narrowing it down to a few places and let him know the two types of food that you prefer, and then let your date (the man) make the final decision. This avoids awkward situations like mistakenly taking a vegan to a steak house with no vegan options. Be flexible in case your date has other ideas. Always have a secondary location in mind in the event that your date goes well and you want to spend more time together.

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